Monthly Archive: March 2006

Revision 108 and Assignements 109 and 110 0

Revision 108 and Assignements 109 and 110

Planning of the Sneak walk:

Spline mode Vanilla walk and first pass Sneak Walk

Stu pose exhausted. no time to do too many sketches this week and it looks like I made the wrong choice.

Revision 108 refining. This is when everything started to go wrong. Too busy at work to spend time on AM, CTS worries, Step mode to Spline workflow issues…. as you can see I deviated a lot from the original planning in order to fix knees pop but I am now ending up with a walkcycle too even on the Y axis. I am still trying to find a workflow in order to fix that.

Busy week 0

Busy week

I have been very busy lately and couldn’t finish my last 2 assignement on time this week. Got a D mark which is not good but my bosses were opening a new internet café and I had to do all the networking, server, workstation setup.

The internet café is now ready but I was also involved in the design of which had been taking all my energy for the past 2 weeks. I eventually managed to pass the website to my friend Sergio from all for the best. Stagknight is a comic/horror movie (“Shawn of the Dead” kind of stuff) that should be coming out around July. Virals online soon.

Today we had our weekly London Animation Mentor lunch at the Newman Arms where we ate delicious Pies and Matt Morris joined us after a 2 month break from Animation Mentor.

It is now time for me to catch up with my previous assignement and try to get some good marks. 😉 Would be a shame to fail on the first assignement that belongs to a showreel….

Oh oh oh… I was about to forget last week sketches and Stu pose: Concerned

Last week strong pose and sketches

Revision, much better isn’t it?

Walk cycle 108 0

Walk cycle 108

My first AM walk cycle. It is meant to be a Vanilla Walk (the most basic walk) but I ended up doing a cartoony walk…. will try to fix it for tomorrow.

I have a big issue with the hip of the coming forward leg during the passing position (breakdown). Cassidy is saying that it should go down when I think it should go up. I actually shot some references of myself to confirm it but I am not gonna show u what I look like in Underwears 😉

108 Q&A + life drawing 0

108 Q&A + life drawing

We had a fun session of headphone rotation this morning

The sun started to rise in Italy during the Q&A

While going through some of my life drawings yesterday, I found that one. Quite an interesting exercise. The right leg is too long but the rest looks okay to me. Not my best drawing but the most interesting in term of rendering.