Web hosting in the UK

As I was saying in a previous blog, on top of my IT job I also run a 2 men webdesign company Bonvoyage Airlines . For our hosting needs I have been relying on a british company called Webfusion and their reseller account. It is pricey but it is local and allow you to host has many websites has you want for a fixed price, provided you respect the bandwith limit. It would be possible for me to have my own server at work since we have several fixed IP on a leased line and I already host my personnal website on a Win2KPro machine here but the potential cost of hacking attacks or breakdown easily outweight the £55 I pay every month. To put it an other way, if something goes wrong I just send them an email and 2 or 3 hours later it is fixed.

The idyllic portrait lastest for nearly 3 years but problems started to happen since, I think, Pipex and Webfusion merged. My server now regularly goes down and the email service sometimes doesn’t work. Webfusion has got a support page where you are supposed to read informations about System Status but my issues never appeared here which let me think that this page is only the top of the iceberg and is symptomatic of wider issues.

The marriage has now been consummed and it is time for me to find an other option. With its unified Control Panel, the reseller option is a very nice one and I would like to find a similar hosting account. Registerfly seems to offer one but the interface is dreadfull and they ripped off one of my friend by charging him several times a month for his hosting which he managed to cancel after considering a legal challenge. Don’t tell me about MediaTemple, it is only for Mac people and if you don’t know it yet, I am definitely not one. Arghhhh…. I just checked their website just for the sake of it and it looks like their prices are now very competitive. It is also possible to try them for one month. I might give it a go then . The only small print seems that they charge $15 per domain.

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